Saturday 27 November 2010


Start Location_             Elwynn Forest
Home City_                  StormWind City
Racial Mount_               Horse
Classes_                       Warrior, Paladin, Hunter (4.0.3), Rogue, Priest, Death Knight (Wrath of the Lich King), Mage, Warlock

Humans of Stormwind are a really resilient breed, after surviving First war with attack of the orcs.
Durning the second War, Humans joined their present Allies in battle to reclaim their homelands and Azeroth.
After the Success of Second War, Stormwind was rebuild.
With the recent invasion of the Burning Legion - which left the northern kingdom of Lordaeron in ruins - Stormwind now stands as the last bastion of human civilization. Following the heroic examples of the legendary Sir Lothar and King Llane, the defenders of Stormwind are considered to be among the fiercest warriors in the land.

Increases your stealth detection

The Human Spirit- passive
Spirit increase by 3% -  regaining health quicker

Reputation gained increase by 10%

Sword Specialization- passive
Expertise with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 3.

Mace Specialization-passive
Expertise with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 3.

Every Man for Himself - instant - 2 min cooldown
Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects.

Start Location: Durotar
Home City: Ogrimmar
Racial Mount: Wolf
Available Classes: Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death Knight 

The savage, green-skinned Orcs are one of the most prolific races of Azeroth. They are commonly believed to be brutal and mindless, possessing no humanity or empathy for other races. Born on the hellish world of Draenor, the Orcs were brought into the kingdom of Stormwind through the dimensional gateway known as the Dark Portal and forced to wage war on the Humans. Although few are aware of their history, the Orcs once cultivated a noble, Shamanistic society on the world of Draenor. Tragically, the proud Orc clans were corrupted by the Burning Legion and used as pawns in the Legion's invasion of Azeroth.

Blood Fury-Instant-2 min cooldown (Death Knight, Warrior, Rogue and Hunter only)
Increases attack power by (Level*4)+2 per character level (322 at 80). Lasts 15 sec. 

Blood Fury-Instant-2 min cooldown ( Shamns only)
Increases melee attack power by (Level*4)+2 and your spell damage by (Level*2)+3. Lasts 15 sec. 

Blood Fury- Instant- 2 min cooldown (Warlocks only)
Increases your spell power by (Level*2)+3. Lasts 15 sec. 

Duration of Stun effects reduced by an additional 15%.

Damage dealt by Death Knight, Hunter and Warlock pets increased by 5%.

Axe Specialization
Expertise with Axes, Two-Handed Axes, and Fist Weapons increased by 5.

Each of them have pluses and minuses, some are better for other clases then others and some not, but it does not matter, the only thing which matters is that you have to comfortable with what you look like or anything, no class/race is perfect.

Keep on Playin'!

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